Ther Vulnerabitlity is not weakness. And that myth is profoundly dangerous. Vulnerabitlity is the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and change.

Brene Brown

Rachael Riggs


Sharing Vulnerability: To Bare my Soul, or Hide Forever…


The creation of this site has sat in the works for years. The product of which had witnessed at least three previous attempts that ultimately saw abandonment. It’s that situation where you know you want to and need to do something, but you need help figuring out where to begin. Finally, it comes down to me deciding whether I should start TODAY or never. No preparation will ever make me feel ready. It will never be the perfect time for this or anything, so I’m going to make myself ready and throw it out there and see what happens.

           Another issue I have faced with putting my writing out is vulnerability. I have been writing since I was little. I have written poetry, books, magazines (for myself, of course), and songs. I even managed to pen out a “soap opera” screenplay when I was little. I wrote this extensive drama with my step-sister. Every weekend for months, we sat tucked away in the bedroom writing. This screenplay contained thousands of pages! Sadly, most of my writing has remained on my bedroom nightstand, never to have seen the light of day. With all this writing, I am bringing personal thoughts and ideas into the world, which can be scary! It can be challenging to put your emotions on full display and share the most private pieces of you with the world. I have always been a person that keeps to myself; some would call me an introvert. I have never been one to share any aspect of my emotions, and I kept my opinions primarily tucked away deep inside. This writing adventure is going to take a lot out of me. It will test me in ways I haven’t been before, but ya only live once… I think.

All the signs have been there that I need to begin this path. The signs have thrown themselves in my face for years. I can’t keep putting off this calling. Stories are waiting for someone to tell them, Ideas begging to come to life. The world needs to hear your view of it from your lens. So together, we will begin this journey, and I hope you stick with me on it. I hope to encourage and help you if you struggle and need to take the first step. If you have been putting it off, this is your sign! If we don’t start now…when? There is nothing to get ready for, now is the time!

All of my content may not resonate with every person. Instead of negative comments or remarks, I would appreciate you letting me know what IS working. Which content do you prefer most, what do I need to add more of, and maybe even ideas I haven’t touched on? We’re in this together.

This is just the beginning of something you will not want to miss, so subscribe now!!